EGOsostenibile pro services
What does EGOsostenibile mean?
We live in a complex and constantly changing reality, we therefore need a tool that facilitates the definition, construction and achievement of our objectives through progressive and creative adaptation.
EGOSOSTENIBILE is a concept-tool aimed at realizing responsibility towards oneself, towards others and towards the Community/Environment.
It is not a checklist made up of static procedures but a process, a path.
It is a transversal skill, that is, it can be used in every area of relationship and can only be formed through continuous training.
It is a long-term approach, which focuses on building your knowledge and skills.
In particular, ego-sustainable responsibility implies awareness of one's needs, one's talents and, last but not least, one's dreams.
It allows you to identify the concrete possibilities of achieving your objectives that the real context offers, and any gaps that need to be filled to achieve them.
It does not protect against errors, but allows you to identify them in a relatively short time and thus adapt your decisions and actions.
Ego-sustainable awareness, by developing the well-being of the person and the environment, facilitates the realization of one's individual objectives and the ability to work in a group, strengthening the sense of belonging to the community.
EGOsostenibile in your daily wellness work
Sustainability is one of the strengths, the guiding light of any Annette Pinna initiative. Sustainability intended in all fields: environmental, economic and psychosocial.
In the psychosocial field, sustainability is linked to the EGOsostenibile approach. The new partnership with the Egosostenibile concept-tool focuses on the emotional and relational dimension of customers.
Both SPA Managers and Annette Pinna beauty operators are trained through an EGOsostenibile training process.
EGOsostenibile for SPA customers
The Annette Pinna wellness program offers SPA customers the opportunity to take quality moments to listen to themselves, coming into harmony with their own times, very often managing to transform them into resources.
Feeling good is GOOD FOR YOU
The experience of "feeling good is GOOD FOR YOU" which characterizes Annette Pinna rituals, enriched and integrated with the EGOsostenibile approach, adapts to the Person, accompanying them in finding, choosing, building and furnishing their own "place", internal and external.