I am Annette
My inspiration journey
Getting here today has been a long journey, through time and space. Over the last twenty years I have dedicated myself body and soul to my work, finding sources of inspiration from the most disparate encounters of ideas, mentalities, values. Encounters-clashes between different cultures, which have fed in a constructive way on a rational and emotional level, the complex mental processes activated by some source of inspiration.But among these, I believe there is one that deserves to be praised before the others.The water! It has always been and still is my first source of inspiration.Pure, transparent, tasteless, odorless, apparently simple. Dignified, serene, strong, decisive, overwhelming, surprising.I enjoy intercepting it, hidden in more extravagant objects or forms of life. His chameleonic nature surprises me.In a dual relationship of open confidence and silent subjection, I have a profound respect for her.And maybe...it all started from here. From respect. Mi infastidiva il pensiero di quanto strapazzo subisse nei diversi processi di produzione e di come venisse minimizzato il suo valore intrinseco, perso totalmente nei prodotti che contribuiva a realizzare. Sempre più forte avvertivo il desiderio di contribuire concretamente ad un sistema che favorisse il consumo consapevole di questo elemento limitando il più possibile il disastroso impatto ambientale causato da un suo uso spropositato e inefficace. Ho deciso che avrei dovuto fare uno sforzo creativo e riorganizzativo per uscire dai canonici procedimenti di produzione. Ho studiato, sperimentato, ragionato, finché ho trovato il giusto compromesso per noi. Ho ideato un processo totalmente “Water Less”. Nei prodotti Annette Pinna, l’acqua fa la sua parte, entrando in campo nella fase finale, al momento del consumo del prodotto. Trionfante nel suo reale ruolo di elemento naturale, unendosi alle polveri, esclusivamente anch’esse naturali, compirà il miracolo, che le vedrà trasformarsi in prodotti naturali di immediato utilizzo.
Aprende másEGOsostenibile & Annette Pinna
It is a metacompetence, which is achieved and enriched through a continuous learning process. It is not a method consisting of a check list of static procedures, but a practice that teaches one to become aware of oneself and interpersonal relationships. EGO your person, you at different levels, up to the deepest one.SUSTAINABLE a sustainable training for you, a personalized path that trains autonomy through the assumption of responsibility towards oneself, towards others and towards the Community/Environment. During Egosostenibile training you will be able to focus on what happens to you while you train. This path will allow you to create conscious contact with some parts of you, to realize what you feel and to focus where to place it. You will also be able to give it a voice through action. A conscious action. It is an increasingly deeper process of internalization, which delves into the conscience.The real secret is that there are no secrets, but only continuous training on the "concepts/tool".The Ego-Sustainable approach is based on profound respect for some of our instincts.One of the most important is the instinct of Treating with Care, which guides us to make ourselves an instrument, a means of contact.
Aprende másMinimalistic me??
If taking care of people's well-being 360 degrees means expanding the field of intervention as much as possible to offer spaces and moments of pure sensorial experience, I inevitably have to move away from minimalism.The products themselves embody Annette Pinna's philosophy. Natural, effective by type of treatment, perfectly compliant with safety and quality regulations, eco-sustainable, contained in elegant, colorful and also eco-sustainable packages. I love pure raw material. Untreated cocoa butter logs is just one example of the naturalness of the products you can try. We have switched to water less, powders or lipid products. Solid creams, the heart of the product. No preservatives needed,The products are the tools for the multisensory wellness experience. A ritual full of stimuli, with attention to the smallest details, in the elegant and comfortable environments of the SPAs that use Annette Pinna products. Personalized routes upon request of the customer who can freely choose the line and type of experience they prefer.Annette Pinna has also created a line of products for the Home Spa, for "home" use for those who want to create a welcoming environment at home as if it were in a SPA and dedicate moments of relaxation in intimacy.
Aprende másMy very own idea of wellness
I believe that natural multisensory emotions represent the essence of a new authentic sustainable luxury. It is the idea of multisensory well-being. Annette Pinna wants to expand the boundaries of wellness beyond the aesthetic and merely physical field.I am aware that many of the people I am addressing have done or seen everything in the field of aesthetics and cosmetics. I myself have over twenty years of experience in the sector, over the years I have always created product lines aiming to offer the best in terms of originality and quality. The drive to want to do more led me to concentrate my studies above all on the technical aspects of the products, on how I could make them more effective and responsive to customer requests. Until I began to develop a broader idea of well-being. It was no longer enough for me to create the best formula for a cosmetic or aesthetic product. Not only the body, but every sense wants its dose of well-being. The customer must be free to decide what type of experience to have, also choosing which perfume to use to add to the products with which he wants to be treated. This is my idea of wellness. Offer free multisensory experiences that involve all the senses, up to and including what I like to call the sixth sense. It can be the soul or an internal dimension, you can better define it. I know that there is at least one sense beyond the fifth and this too will be welcomed and will have its dose of pampering and well-being.
Aprende másItalian & Swedish heritage
Being of Italian & Swedish heritage has given me the great opportunity to experience two very different cultures. They are part of me and I feel I belong to both. In their diversity I found enlightening ideas and points of comparison. I then realized that I could do the same thing with my products and services.The fusion of two apparently so distant cultures offers added value to Annette Pinna's services and products. Sweden is the home of pure, clean, ethical, integral, simplicity, sustainability, respect for the environment, and the use of natural quality raw materials. Italy is the country of art, gastronomy, folklore, fashion, elegance, creativity, fashion, class, the sweet life, quality products.The word quality unites the two countries and was sufficient to make it possible to integrate all the other particular characteristics into a single extraordinary experience.Annette Pinna wanted to combine the beauty and best of the two cultures to offer an experience that places the well-being of the person at the centre.The use of exclusively pure, natural and waterless products, of an eco-sustainable production process throughout the entire production cycle, from the purchase of material to the sale of the finished product, is in perfect harmony with the elegance of the packaging, with the care of the environments that are required of SPAs that offer Annette Pinna services, with attention to the customer down to the smallest detail. Una filosofia di vita che mette al centro la sostenibilità, concentrandosi sul bilanciamento dell’efficienza economica, sociale e ambientale, includendo l’eleganza e il piacere. Texture in cui i clienti non hanno bisogno solo di immaginare la natura ma in cui la natura si fa facilmente vedere. Si parla di colori vividi ottenuti senza “aggiungere colore” e di profumi che richiamano l’attenzione del cliente. Soluzioni di packaging creative basate su nuove idee rivoluzionarie e di aspetto del prodotto e immagine di esposizione sugli scaffali che, cosa più importante di tutte, rendono la sostenibilità alla moda e un must. Optare per cosmetici con packaging essenziale in carta, flaconi riutilizzabili e prodotti con ingredienti di origine naturale in formulazioni waterless per un ciclo di produzione più sostenibile è un inizio significativo. Quando questi prodotti cosmetici sono anche tecnologicamente avanzati e altamente efficaci, la riduzione del consumo di plastica non solo porta benefici all’ambiente ma diventa anche piacevole per la pelle e per la mente! Il risultato è aver ottenuto anche una sostenibilità circolare che tratta le 3 diverse aree quella ambientale, quella sociale e quella economica.
Aprende másI am Annette
I have been creating multisensory experiences for SPAs for over twenty years.All over the world, five-star luxury hotels, beauty salons and many of the best SPAs have offered their customers natural emotion paths designed by me. Thanks to the precious feedback from the spa directors, beauticians and salon owners who have guided our path, millions of treatments performed on customers have brought results with which they have been largely satisfied.In the services and products created by Annette Pinna you will find the experience of years of work carried out always aiming for the highest quality and beauty. I live in the field, alongside SPA managers, beauticians and end-user customers, to understand their real needs at various levels and perceive, if not when possible anticipate, their changes. With my work I have managed to create a circular well-being faithful to the Annette Pinna values of quality, naturalness and sustainability, and at the same time able to follow the trend of the sector to always provide prompt and original answers.Much more is on the way as we embrace the circular philosophy of sustainability.
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