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EGOsostenibile & Annette Pinna

EGOsostenibile & Annette Pinna

It is a metacompetence, which is achieved and enriched through a continuous learning process. It is not a method consisting of a check list of static procedures, but a practice that teaches one to become aware of oneself and interpersonal relationships.
EGO your person, you at different levels, up to the deepest one.
SUSTAINABLE a sustainable training for you, a personalized path that trains autonomy through the assumption of responsibility towards oneself, towards others and towards the Community/Environment.
During Egosostenibile training you will be able to focus on what happens to you while you train. This path will allow you to create conscious contact with some parts of you, to realize what you feel and to focus where to place it. You will also be able to give it a voice through action. A conscious action. It is an increasingly deeper process of internalization, which delves into the conscience.
The real secret is that there are no secrets, but only continuous training on the "concepts/tool".
The Ego-Sustainable approach is based on profound respect for some of our instincts.
One of the most important is the instinct of Treating with Care, which guides us to make ourselves an instrument, a means of contact.
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